Saturday, March 24, 2012


There’s a strong chance that Japanese cartoon pornography has ruined your perception of any creature that has tentacles. This, while ultimately scarring, is probably for the best.
The vampire squid more closely resembles a jellyfish than a squid. It does, however, live to its namesake. Fins at the top of its body resemble large pointed ears. Despite the body being six inches long, with another six inches of tentacles, it has very large eyes. The eight tentacles are webbed, linked together by black and red flaps of skin resembling a cloak. What’s more, the insides of the tentacles are covered in sharp tooth-like spikes. So yeah, there’s more than a passing resemblance to a vampire in this thing.
vampire squidHaving no ink sack with which to defend itself, the vampire squid will instead raise its tentacles up to create a sort of protective cloak with the teeth pointing outward. It has also developed an awesome means of catching its prey: two of the tentacles can extend to twice their normal length. Finally, the squid is covered with organs called photophores that can produce light. The vampire squid is capable of turning off these organs at will, practically rendering itself invisible in its natural depths. This may also mean that vampire squids beat Twilight to the sparkly vampire motif by simple virtue of existing

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